
Over the past 25 years, Stepping Stone Ministry has now grown to a family  of over 350 students.  Our vision has been, and hopefully always will be, discipling students to be followers of Christ and setting the foundations for a relationship with God to continue for a lifetime. We truly hope that their time in college will be a "stepping stone" in their journey with God. Each year, we continuously send out graduating students from Hopkins and have always been excited to hear updates on this life-long discipleship adventure.

It has always been our hope to develop this alumni network to help alumni connect with one another as God takes us to different cities and reconnect back to Stepping Stone Ministry. As God has been growing SSM, it has also become evident that our alums have brought much needed experience and wisdom to our current students. The strength of the ministry does not come from one particular leader, but from the collection of the body that God has brought together. Alumni, you are our legacy, and you can play an active role in helping SSM write the next chapter of our history.

Ways to Get Involved:

Partnership Sustainability of SSM:

With about 350 alumni touched in the lifetime of Stepping Stone Ministry at JHU, we believe there is a possible sustainable missionary support model. If alumni would consider partnering smaller but long-term and consistent donations, the ministry would be able to financially support the staff and it's presence on JHU Campus. Imagine if 100 alums supported 30 dollars (~1 dollar a day) and 50 alums supported 60 dollars, this would equate to a yearly support of $72,000. 

Please consider becoming a partner with SSM (link here) and help reach the next generation of students at Hopkins. 

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